The OptiX OSN 8800 is recognized as the platform with the highest integration level in the industry. One OptiX OSN 8800 subrack supports access of 320/640 x 10G services and two OptiX OSN 8800 subracks can be housed in one standard ETSI cabinet. The OptiX OSN 8800 can accommodate mass IP services and provide centralized grooming and unified management. Because one OptiX OSN 8800 subrack is equivalent to multiple subracks of other WDM equipment, the OptiX OSN 8800 saves 80% of the equipment footprint and reduces power consumption per bandwidth by 55%. OptiX OSN 8800 devices can be directly connected instead of through ODFs and therefore is highly reliable. Interface board of alarm & timing & expanding on Huawei OSN8800 T64 and T32. Provides 8 alarm inputs and remote monitoring of alarm signals of the external systems. Provides eight alarm output interfaces, sending alarms to a centralized alarm management system. TN51ATE is an interface board of alarm & timing & expanding applied to Huawei OSN8800 T64/T32, provides 8 alarm inputs and remote monitoring of alarm signals of the external systems and eight alarm output interfaces, sends alarms to a centralized alarm management system.