BSC6900 Cabinet 2120447 WP1E3PFNS DPUa 2103051120107B001012 WP11DPUa DPUb 2103051816107B000261 WP13DPUb DPUc 21030518131083000754 WP13DPUc DPUd 21030518141094000296 WP13DPUd EIUa 210305112110AB000525 WP11EIUa FG2A 210305148810AB000279 WP11FG2a GCUa 21030511161083000345 WP11GCUa LPUo NETo TNUb OIUa 21030511221097000985 WP11OIUa OMUa 210223880610A7000288 WP11OMUa OMUb 210223711110A1000339 WP11OMUb PEUa 2103051486107B000012 WP11PEUa POUo 030KRR10A7000047 WP11PPOU0 POUc 210305274810A7000187 WP11POUc SCUa 21030511171083001250 WP11SCUa TNUa 210305111810AB000657 WP11TNUa XPUa 210305111910A2000193 WP11XPUa XPUb 210305278010A9000058 WP11XPUb DPUa(Data Processing Unit REV: a): General Data Processing board version.TCS box is the E1/T1 interface board configuration, DPUa veneer configuration in 9~13 slots, TCS plug box using STM 1 interface board configuration, DPUa veneer configuration in 1~3, 8~13 slots. Index name Parameter values Overall dimensions 366.7mm?220mm Power Supply Two way redundancy backup - 48 v DC (provided by the plug box back) Power Consumption 60W Weight 1.26kg The long-term working temperature 0?~45? The short-term working temperature -5?~+55? Long-term work relative humidity 5%~85% Short-term work relative humidity 5%~95%